1980 Isaac Newton Square West, Reston
+1 703 581 6300


FDC has extensive experience in performing large projects involving electric power generation. Projects include procurement and installation of major power generation units, total overhaul of major generators, providing load banks, component repairs of major industrial generators, overhaul of switchboards. These projects have been done under contracts with the Department of State, Naval Facilities Engineering Command (NAVFAC) and the General Services Administration (GSA).


Preparing to unload a major generating unit in San Diego


Concrete slab to hold major generating unit.

generator rebuild
Cutler, Maine

Rebuilding the alternator in Gen #3 and the intricate rigging of the stator and rotor insertion.

generator rebuild
Cutler, Maine

The rail system which needed to be designed and built to move the 44K lb unit in place. The opening of the fly wheel where the unit is to be installed.

generator rebuild
Cutler, Maine

The rail system which needed to be designed and built to move the 44K lb unit in place. The opening of the fly wheel where the unit is to be installed.

generator rebuild
Cutler, Maine

The rotor inserted into the stator to complete the alternator for the generator fly wheel.

generator install
san diego, california

Initial placement of major power generating unit.

generator install
san diego, california

Offloading generator prior to installation.